Land |
The products produced in the Mannanarie district have changed dramatically
from the time of the Marchant "Mannanarie Run" to today. It was stocked
at first with cattle rather than sheep, because Mannanarie became the Northern
Frontier, and cattle were more difficult for native people to steal, easier
to manage and easier to take to markets at the time.
Mannanarie Run began as a cattle station, but changed to running sheep when
it became evident that the land was suitable for sheep, and wool would bring
a higher return. Although there would be higher labour and transport costs,
the returns would adequately cover this. By 1864, there were more than twenty
thousand sheep, on 130 square miles.
Today the land is mainly cropped for wheat, barley and oats and some sheep are
run. For more statistics on crop yields, visit the statistics
page. If you have more questions about products in the Mannanarie area,
contact the Primary Industries and Resources
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