Diary of Developments

I try to make an entry each time I do something on the website, write something, meet with Mr Stuart or do other things towards the project etc.

Date Message
Monday 9th November 2001

Rang Mary-Anne for better idea of what would be involved
- she told me that it may include:
   - stories of the area
   - history of the area including photos
   - some text about the area
- defined some questions that we could answer

Thursday 15th November 2001

Met with Mr Stuart
- explained the idea for the topic
- he thought the topic was a bit too broad at the moment and I would have to define it, and go though the planning sheets etc
- rang Mary-Anne about it and discussed it

Pre Christmas 2001 - met with Mr Stuart
- planned project using proforma and submitted onto intranet
Summer Holidays

- went to Mannanarie for a few days
- saw harvest
- took photos
- went to community tea and got mail address of Nancy Robinson
- wrote down plan for site

Thursday 4th April 2002 Met with Mr Stuart
- showed him some of my notes and information I found
- made a meeting for Thursday 2nd May
Easter Holidays

- Spent 3 days in Mannanarie
   - taking photos
   - going through old photos and records
   - going through books and research
   - making notes
- Mary-Anne found a report of mum's in year twelve, and it has a lot of information that I was planning to cover in the Land, Town, Location and History sections. It also has some graphs, which I will be able to use and update for the year 2001/02
- read through books, inc:
    - Bend Down adn Listen
    - Change on Change
    - Deceptive Lands
    - On the Margins of the Good Earth
    - Fading Footprints

Thursday 2nd May 2002

Met with Mr Stuart
- decided I need to use the record book/diary better
I made a web using Inspiration and mapped out clearly the website, and this helped me and Mr Stuart with seeing the overall aim of the project, which was unnclear iuntil then.

Tuesday 21th May 2002

Met with Mr Stuart
- looked at photos scanned from Mary-Anne's collection

Monday 25th May 2002

- Started making some of the images for the website, including the top banner
- Scanned more than 50 images to disk
- Made 50 images for the random image ticker on the top right of the page, and for thumbnails on the images page

Saturday 1st June 2002

- researched on internet for web services, .coms etc
- emailed Steve Pollard from Chariot Internet (and Forbes PS) about the web services Chariot have and cost etc
- looked around for good internet packages
- emailed findings to Mary--Anne, including a form for her to fill out for asn.au

Sunday 2nd June 2002 - made side image (wheat)
- put together main page (eg what you see now)
- uploaded to personal space at chariot for testing etc
- temporary address: http://users.chariot.net.au/~lewjane/
Monday 3rd June 2002 - Met with Mr Stuart - progress report
- looked at site as it was on internet
Week of 2-8th June 2002 - got reply from Steve, forwarded to Mary-Anne
- Phone with Mary-Anne - research into a mannanarie.com address and see what the cost would be
- searched around for more options, including a .com address
- sent 3 requests for a quote for a .com
- recieved the quotes for .com
    - Quote1, Quote 2 + Email
Sunday 9th June 2002 - continued work and research
Week of 9-14th June 2002 - exam week
- not much done, apart from research and communication with Mary-Anne
Saturday 15th June 2002

- spent 1/2 + day working
- made buttons and menu on left hand side
- made Mannanarie text title image (top)
- made template for all subpages, so all pages are identical in design
- made pages: acknowledgements, history, images, land, location, people, town - all on template
- made image page of thumbnails of images, making reference to Mary-Anne as the photographer
- made feedback page for use of users to email me about the website and its development
- started to write letter to Ms Nancy Flannery (Robinson) - author of Bend Down and Listen regarding permission to use content for people section etc
- started online diary, because I prefer typing to writing in the book
- added date/clock
- sent email to Mary-Anne regarding how much money we are likely to be able to spend on the webhosting/domain etc
- more research into domains: see links

Sunday 16th June 2002

- looked through all options on links below, and created analysis document on all options
- note - need to get NIC handle for getting domain, and organise one for mary-anne (see email for details)
- had a conversation with Steve Pollard (over internet) about hosting etc - dialogue of conversation (edited)
- went to www.west.net.au to look up about NIC handles
- they are used when registering addresses etc
- located Aunic website (the Australian Domain registy site etc) and made NIC for me: AT1112-AU
- found help site about AUNIC http://www.auda.org.au/
- to make NIC for Mary-Anne
- contact Mary-Anne to update about situation with hosting (Chariot deal)

Tuesday 18th June 2002 Meeting with Mr Stuart to discuss progress
Saturday 29th June 2002

- Started writing up sections in word including:
Town > Township
History > Timeline
Town > Over Time > A Central Place
Town > Overtime > The Township
Town > Over Time
History > Settlement > Closer Settlement
History > Settlement > First White Settlement
- Transferred these to the web pages and uploaded
- Fixed some problems with links on web site
- Found some problems with compatability with Netscape Browsers
     - looking into solutions
- Wrote a letter to send to the author of Bend Down and Listen, Mrs Nancy Robinson Flannery for permission to use extracts in the people section

Saturday 6th to Wednesday 10th June 2002

Visited Farm for 5 days
- went on walk to Mt Lock, the highest mount in the area. On top there is a surveying point, and Mary-Anne taught me about these, and how geographers and surveyors used these points to survey the area
- recieved phone call from Mrs Robinson Flannery, regarding permission. She raised issues that she held about the authors of the stories having some copyright over the material, and how she is the editor, and under copyright, anything written is under copyright forever through generations, and published material for 50 years. However she gave me permission on her part to use the extracts
- took digital photos in the area and on Mt Lock for more photos in the images section
- continued working on the actual website
- scanned an old Hundred of Mannanarie map my Grandfather found in the farm office
- began creating a map - traced main features of another map, then scanned and traced on the computer
- typed up crop statistics, formed graphs and transferred to website

Monday 15th June 2002 - recieved letter from Mrs Nancy Robinson Flannery regarding permission, stating she was happy to permit such extracts providing the authors are fully credited and acknowledged, and a disclaimer is written regarding copyright issues. She also asks to be kept informed of the progress.
Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th June 2002

- continued research into web hosting, included emails with Steve Pollard from Chariot Internet, and downloaded application form
- made phonecalls and emails to and from Mary-Anne regarding web-hosting
- found that even though we would have preferred a .com address, but Chariot only permits .asn.au and .org.au addresses for the free account, and we would have to pay for internet access on a yearly basis. This is OK, as we already have an account that qualifies, and dad is happy to pay annually!
- learned how to send a fax from the computer, and sent the application form to Mary-Anne for her to complete
- sent an email to Mrs Flannery to advise her that I had recieved her letter, and thank her
- learned how to receive a fax from Mary-Anne on the computer


Hosting My Analysis

http://www.webcentral.com.au/docs/products/product_description.cgi?product=Economy%202002&signup=y http://www.hostonce.com/hostingdetails.htm

Hosts Comparison Site - http://au.tophosts.com/fastfind/fastfind-result.php?cpc=0&criteria=price,space,platform&site=au.tophosts&price=1&space=0&platform=0